Esther O Design

Chanukah Popsicle Game

Popsicle Game
Chanukah Popsicle Game

Donut Necklaces/Key Chains

Donut Necklace


Bake up some fun with these adorable Donut Necklaces and Keychains, using  Washers and Nail Polish .

Great Chanukah Vacation Activity!!!

Recommended for ages 8+


Donut Necklaces/Key Chains

Set Your Chanukah Table With Dreamy Greens and Blues

Chanukah Table

I am grateful for clients like who give me jobs that feel more like fun that like work. Check out this Chanaukah Tablescape I created for them.

Set Your Chanukah Table With Dreamy Greens and Blues

Candy Leg Clowns

Clown Feet

“Have a leg up” with these absolutely adorable, fun and sweet clowns.

They're cute as a mishloach manos idea or a sign to display .

In addition to the Simchas Purim Clowns in the photo,you'll notice some GET WELL QUICK clowns as well. After Purim your children can repackage their loads and loads of candy and send it to the less fortunate.

Candy Leg Clowns

Washi Tape Book Marks

washi tape book mark


Washi Tape Book Marks

Candy Flower Planters

Shavuot is a special time for adults and children alike. If you’re like me, when I think of Shavuot I automatically associate this holiday with two things; cheesecake and flowers! 
Cheesecake aside, flowers are a wonderful way to bring the spirit of the holiday into your home. These candy flower planters are easy and lots of fun to make. They will look stunning as a decorative addition to your Yom Tov sweet table and they will be enjoyed by both adults and children alike.So, after the cupcakes have been eaten and the lollypops licked, the fond memories of the flowers (and the cheesecake) will linger year after year.

Candy Flower Planters

Place Cards for Shavout: Free Printable

This Shavuot recapture the image of Har Sinai by making these lovely place cards. The beautiful moss rock together with the flowery card creates a splendid piece that will get all your guest in the spirit of the holiday!
Place Cards for Shavout: Free Printable

Embroidery Hoop Sukkot Decor-3 Ways

mishpacha embroidery hoops
Lately I’ve been seeing embroidery hoops galore, popping up just about everywhere as colorful and inspired decor. From mobiles to wreaths to colorful ceiling decor, the ideas are seemingly countless and most of them are inexpensive and  easy to make. With Sukkot just around the corner, though we’re limited in time, we all want to add something special to decorate our Sukkah. With embroidery hoops, you can easily transform something so basic and simple into works of art that are sure to  adorn your Sukkah.
Embroidery Hoop Sukkot Decor-3 Ways

Sukkot Craft Kits


Sukkot Craft Kits


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