Classic Cookie Box Mishloach Manos

Classic Cookie Box

What you see is what you get with this mouthwatering classy cookie box Mishloach Manos. 

If you dabble in graphics, the cookie box labels can be designed with pictures of the actual cookies.

For a second Mishloach Manos item, you can add a beverage tied on with a ribbon.

You will need:

  • 10.5" x 3.5" x 1.5" clear plastic box (The one I used here was from Center of Town, Lakewood. I was not able to find a similar size on Amazon. The best I can suggest is using three of these. You can coonect them with glue dots. If you do that, make sure to change the wrapper size.
  • 10.5" x 11" paper wrapper
  • chocolate chip cookies in three variations (I used one recipe and added chopped-up peanut chews to one, Fruity Pebbles to the other, and oats, nuts and dried cranberries to the third.Classic Cookie BoxClassic Cookie Kit

    Photography by Hudi Greenberger

    This article originally appeared in Family First

*This post contains affiliate links from Amazon, which means I earn a very small commission if you click and make a purchase. 

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